Malaysians are all too familiar with banana fritters. They are everywhere. On the streets, in food courts, and in office pantries. They are the national favourites. This ubiquitous dish can be easily made. So for this article I will teach you how to make a vegan banana fritters for all the veggies out there to enjoy.
Step one to making your own delicious, crunchy banana fritters is by preparing the ingredients. All that you will ever need are bananas, make it 4 big bananas, 4Oz of self-raising flour, I teaspoon of soya flour and also one quarter of pint water. You could also add in salt and sugar as seasonings. All of these ingredients are easily available at your local whole food shop.
Now, the second step is making it! Start off by making a thick batter by mixing the flours, water and a pinch of salt together. But for the vegans out there who are on a really strict diet, you surely can skip adding the salts. Then, slice the bananas. If you want the bananas to be crispy, slice it thinner. But if you are not the type that likes crunchy foods, you can always slice it thicker. Then, put the sliced bananas into a bowl with the mixture and gently stir until they are all covered in batter.
For the frying part, make sure you heat a frying pan at first. Then pour in the oil. You can use the virgin olive oil as a healthier version of the normal cooking oils. Wait until the oil comes to a boil. Next, deep fry the bananas in batches for 3 minutes until they are golden brown. When they are ready, take them out and drain all the cooking oil. Sprinkle 1 teaspoon of sugar.
After all of that is done, the banana fritters are ready to be served. My suggestion for serving is to serve it with big dollops of vegan ice cream, preferably Vanilla flavour as it tastes best with crunchy foods. And if you are a fan of chocolate syrup, like yours truly, have fun sprinkling it all over the dish. I guess that’s all that you have to do to enjoy this Malaysian delicacy. Have fun making it. By the way, don’t burn your mouth on the banana fritters as it gets very hot!
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