
New Links!

Attention to everyone in this Tutorial Group 10. For the ease of everyone here and for easy access, I have put up links that link to the short stories that is required for our semester. Keys and Locks and Open Doors was deleted from the original website, but I found another website only in a different language, but the text is basically English. Have fun using the new feature!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Muhammad Danish a.k.a Dany D :D

The Day I Became a Better Person

     It all started during my first day at junior PETRONAS Military Camp at Petronas Penapisan Malacca on the year 2004. That was my first camping program that didn’t involve my school. That was the first time I experienced holding and firing a real rifle. I learned a few things about life at the camp that is respect, teamwork and honour.
     What I learned about respect at that camp was mainly about respect everyone even though they’re older or younger. The participants of the camp were aged from 10 to 18 years old. So, each of us had to respect each other because we’re all from the same batch of junior military camp. Besides that, during our meals, we all have to sit down together so that we all can eat at the same time. Before we start eating, 1 of us must say the prayers to eat. By then we can start eating. If a person eats earlier than all of us, we all have to throw away our foods. Therefore, with discipline, we can live a happy and simple life.
     Next, teamwork is needed in our daily life. Teamwork is mainly used in schools, works or social activities. In the camp, we’re encouraged to work together under all circumstances, even though that work can be done alone. For example, we were given a task to gather five fire woods per person. It can be done alone, but it is better to do the work together as a team. Teamwork bonds us well with the surroundings. So, to work easier, teamwork is a priority.
     Lastly, to have pride, we must have honour. People will look up to us if we were to have honour. We increase our honour by doing good things for other people and our country. By joining this camp, I earned my honour for serving my country. I was even honoured by my friends for helping them a lot with their works. However, it is easy to lose our honour, but it we can gain them back by doing the right thing at the right time.
     At the camp, I learned a lot about life. As stated above, I learned how to be a good person, a more helpful person and how to be honoured. That’s where I learned how to be a better person.

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