
New Links!

Attention to everyone in this Tutorial Group 10. For the ease of everyone here and for easy access, I have put up links that link to the short stories that is required for our semester. Keys and Locks and Open Doors was deleted from the original website, but I found another website only in a different language, but the text is basically English. Have fun using the new feature!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

One men band

In this short movie, we can find few ironies. Irony mean that the different of the character at the beginning and end. The first irony is when the two street performances firstly fight individually for the gold coins but finally they become together without notice. The music that mixed sounds more interesting. When they together without notice, they actually no more one men band but become a band. They are playing different instrument with different style and as a result it become more interesting. The young kid actually amused with their performance but at last the combination of music become messy and scared the young kid. In real life, a combination of music instrument and different performance style make a band become more interesting and best entertaining.
Secondly, the irony is the young kid decision. The young kid actually wants to put the coin into the wishing pool. But, she change her decision to give the coin to the first street performance because she found that the street performance entertaining her. Unfortunately, the second street performance came and plays his music. The second performance was successful to attract the young kid to give him the coin. The first performance also never takes it for granted. He fight with the second performance and tried to get the coin from the young kid. Finally, when they are fighting, the coin was unfortunately dropped to the drains. The young kid was so mad and wants the violin from the second performance. The young kid then plays an awesome music and got rewarded with a bag of gold. In this situation, irony is the decision of the young kid to give the coin to the performance and the kid finally become the musician and get a bag of gold.

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