
New Links!

Attention to everyone in this Tutorial Group 10. For the ease of everyone here and for easy access, I have put up links that link to the short stories that is required for our semester. Keys and Locks and Open Doors was deleted from the original website, but I found another website only in a different language, but the text is basically English. Have fun using the new feature!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

One Man Band

In the short film, One Man Band , one of the theme is greed. Which is shown by the two street performers. Both of them try to get the attention from the little girl to obtain the one and only gold coin she has. Both of them give their best and when the musical rivalry got wild the girl got scared and the gold coin drops of her hand and fall into the drain. As always greed get nothing.

The second theme is revenge, which is shown by the little girl. After her gold coin fell into the drain , she insists to get one of the street performers violin. Amazingly she played like a maestro and get a bag of gold coins from a passing pedestrian. She hugs the bag and went to the fountain, but then she pick two coins from the bag and tempts the street performer. Before they could reach it she flipped it to the top of the fountain.

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